ERROR: Server.xml not found: exiting.

I just installed Wowza on a fresh Ubuntu Server machine. I am trying to run ./ for the first time but when I do I get “ERROR: Server.xml not found: exiting.” I followed the two step process for running the install script and java is installed.

That is odd, something went wrong. I would just start over: uninstall, then re-install.


Which installer did you use (rpm, deb, tar)? I believe on your distro deb is the best choice. If you used tar then you can uninstall by executing the commands:

cd /usr/local

rm -rf WowzaMediaServer*

Then I suggest downloading the deb installer and trying again.


If you installed from RPM this should work:

sudo rpm –e WowzaMediaServer-2.0.0

Otherwise, refer to the Install section of the User Guide which includes different ways to install in different cases.


Did you install as other user? Best to install as root.


Does that mean that Wowza is effectively installed as root? Otherwise, see the “Run Server as Named User” section of the User Guide.


Look at the Project’s Build.xml, see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted there.

And open the Debug configuration dialog, and click on Arguments tab, check the VM Arguments box. If these are inaccurate, correct these.


I am guessing this deb was built for debian (funny that), where it works just fine; ubuntu does things a little differently in regards to root, it’s a debian based distro, but if your first exposure to linux was with ubuntu - you may be a tad confused with the behaviour.

After installing from the deb…

willwh@netromedia:~$ ls -al /usr/local/WowzaMediaServer-2.0.0/

total 284

drwxrwxr-x 11 root root 4096 2010-02-04 14:36 .

You’ll see from the above command that yes indeed, this dir is owned by root; as per rrlanham, check your user guide to be able to run this as a different user.

I did uninstall by rm’ing the Wowza dir in /usr/local and reinstalled but got the same error. Is there a more comprehensive uninstall method?

I did use the deb version for the installation.

rpm isn’t on the machine.

I’ll rm the wowza folders in local and try again.

Figured it out. I had to run / as su.

Seems as though there is a permissions issue. When I try to cd to the conf dir I get permission denied.

I used sudo to install. Ubuntu’s root account is disabled by default.

I have the same problem, I’m on Windows 7 Home Basic, I am able to run wowza using the command line: net start wowzamediaserver, but when I try to run it from wowza IDE I get " ERROR: Server.xml not found: exiting. " in the console