Encrypted SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) might be broken.

While testing SRT streaming in Wowza 4.7.3, I have discovered that enabling encryption actually does nothing. Using SRT-Live-Transmit on the receiving end I could still successfully playback the stream without using “passphrase” parameter as well as with using any passphrase.

For comparison, I have used SRT-Live-Transmit on the server side to send the stream with the Passphrase, and my receiver complained about BAD SECRET

10:00:10.712964.N: SRT.c: processSrtMsg_KMREQ: cmd=3(KMREQ) len=224 KmState: SND=BADSECRET RCV=BADSECRET
10:00:10.729489.N: SRT.c: listen ret: -1 - conclusion

10:00:10.742776.N: SRT.c: Listener managed the connection request from: XX.XX.XX.XX:52131 result:conclusion
NOTE: SRT/post::oheadbw=5

10:00:10.764755*E: SRT.d: DECRYPT ERROR - dropping a packet of 1316 bytes
Accepted SRT source connection
10:00:10.821348*E: SRT.d: DECRYPT ERROR - dropping a packet of 1316 bytes
10:00:10.884484*E: SRT.d: DECRYPT ERROR - dropping a packet of 1316 bytes

Hello @svyatoslav huk,

This forum is called “Hire a Consultant”, and meant for inquiries for paid support from authorized (external) consultants. If you’re looking for support from Wowza, you may post your question in https://www.wowza.com/community/spaces/31/wowza-streaming-engine-support-forums.html, or join the Slack community (https://www.wowza.com/slack)

If you want to hire a consultant to help you find a solution, don’t hesitate to drop me an email.


Karel Boek


good point, didn’t realize and not sure how i ended up in this section :slight_smile:

will repost in the correct forum.