Encrypt stream re-streaming

I want to re-streaming encrypt stream (UDP Mulitcast) to RTSP.

Is there additional setting for that?

I’ve test decrypt (clean stream) streaming to RTSP well.

if there is way to by-pass encrypt stream. please guide me. thanks.

It shows error log like below

“RTPDePacketizerMPEGTS[live/definst/ch01_cas.stream]: MPEG2MPTS MPTS Transport has packets of interest with transport scrambling enabled. Descrambling is not supported.”

I think wowza does not need to descrambling.

is there any way to scrambling enable packets “by-pass” ??


Thank you for contacting Wowza Forums!

Currently, Wowza does not support ingest of an encrypted Multicast stream. You will need to decrypt the stream before Wowza can ingest.

