EC2 Instance Launch Failed


Hi, I’m getting the error “Unable to launch image ami-3d829454 as the product code 8ED157F9 is not supported for the specified region, instance type and operating system combination. Please contact the vendor for more information.” when I try to launch the following Amazon EC2 AMI: WowzaStreamingEngine-s3-devpay-4.0.3-x86_64 - ami-3d829454

I was choosing m3.medium in the US East (N. Virginia) region…

Any ideas?

I changed the instance type to m1.small and that worked. Can you please let me know what instance sizes I can use?


Refer to this page here.

It provides a list of AMIs available by location and region, and what instance sizes can be used with the related AMI.


It seems that list is inaccurate. the m3.medium instance is in that list. Not a big deal to trial and error it though.