Deploy WOWZA to live stream 20000 location via PC with Webcam


We are need to deploy 20000 Live streaming on QCIF resolutions from different location via PC/Laptop having webcam to our WOWZA streaming server with recording in the server, further 100’s of users will monitor the live stream from different location.

we plan to use RTMP protocol on http with flash plugin and would like to know the number of server required and effective live streaming that can happen per server to achieve the above objective

we have 2000 Mbps of Internet Bandwidth and 4 windows based server with xeon hex core and 64GB ram at our data center.

we need to understand the maximum number of live stream possible via RTMP protocol in a singe server given adequate bandwidth availability


Vishal V

Hi Vishal

Generally we recommend 250 to 400 input streams per physical server, though this can be tuned upwards if running virtual OS’s on the same physical machine. The number of viewers per server can go much higher - certainly into the thousands per server.

The following article on performance tuning may be useful to you:

It’s difficult to be categorical as there are so many variables involved even outside of the physical hardware specification. The performance tuning article is a good starting place and from there you can tune accordingly to maximize performance.

Hello Paul,

To reduce the physical server count and capex cost we would at least like to run 4000 input stream per server, we are going to use the server for dedicated WOWZA streaming with 2x Intel xeon 6 core processor and 64 GB RAM in each with 300 GB SAS HDD and 10G Network interface and windows 2012 server OS (64 BIT). Further the bitrate of input stream would be low resolutions QCIF only

The recording of the stream will happen on a separate NAS Box via these serves

Do you think 4000 input stream can be achieved given the above server configuration and stream resolution


Vishal V