I would like to know if any solution Wowza is providing could help with a problem I’m currently facing.
I have access to multiple instances of IP cameras that I would like to get the stream from and redistribute it.
One IP camera can only have 5 direct connections to it at the same time. (Only 5 vlc player can connect directly to the RTSP stream provided by one IP camera.)
I would like to increase this number to an unlimited amount by connecting one Wowza server directly to an IP camera and then get this one Wowza server to redistribute the RTSP stream to the VLC media players asking for this redistributed stream.
I would also like to have minimum delay between what the IP camera sees and what the VLC media player is seeing (Under 2 seconds).
Here’s a sketch of what I want to do for clarity purpose:
Current situation:
IP Camera->RTSP Stream->VLC Media Player
_____________________->VLC Media Player
_____________________->VLC Media Player
_____________________->VLC Media Player
_____________________->VLC Media Player
_____________________->VLC Media Player(Fail)
_____________________->VLC Media Player(Fail)
(Connection failure when more than 5 connections/Can’t have more than 5 connections)
What I want:
IP Camera->RTSP Stream->Wowza Server->RTSP Stream->VLC Media Player
_______________________________________________->VLC Media Player
_______________________________________________->VLC Media Player
_______________________________________________->VLC Media Player
_______________________________________________->VLC Media Player
_______________________________________________->VLC Media Player
(Can have as many player as I want connected to the Wowza server that is connected only once to the IP camera. Maximum of 5 Wowza servers connected to the same IP camera)