First of all thanks in advace !!
I´m newbie to wowza server.
I did some test and I could succes publish (on wowza ip live) a stream which source comes from CameraIp, using rtsp protocol.
(By this way, wowza be able to request to cameraIP directly, launch RTSP commands (setup, play ) and recevice streaming and then publish it.
But now, I´m trying another scenario.
I have my CameraIp under my private (home) network. As I know, wowza never could request directly to Camera because NAT ports is closed (home network).
At local network I have a PC and I am able to request RSTP commands to camera so I´m trying to configure , using “RSTP SETUP command” in way to Camera Publish RMTP packages to public wowza server. Notice that Play rstp commands will be started by PC.
But I need to configure wowza to listen incoming data. How could I do it?
Thanks in advance , (apologies for my english grammar)