Hello, I have followed your GoCoder SDK Samples in which I have found Live Streaming with GLSurfaceView.
Now, I want to render Camera preview with GLSurfaceview and live to stream that camera preview. I am not able to live stream camera preview. Can you please help me on that how to stream my camera view.
This shows you how to initialize the surface view:
// Initialize the OpenGL ES surface view
mGLSurfaceView = (GLSurfaceView)findViewById(R.id.gl_surface_view);
mOpenGLRenderer = new OpenGLRenderer();
hi, @Rose Power Thank you for your response. Yes, I am using this sample. It has one class called OpenGLRenderer but here I want to stream my camera preview by using GLSurfaceview. Here in the example, they have draw cubes and lights on the surface. But I need to show my camera preview. so can you help me with that? i want to stream my camera preview on GlSurfaceview, and after that, I will put objects using ARcore on that and draw some stuff on the surface and I want to stream all this.
// onSurfacecreated I am using below code
if (mGLBroadcaster == null) {
mGLBroadcaster=new WOWZGLBroadcaster(EGL14.eglGetCurrentContext());
configmSurfaceSize = new WOWZSize(width,height);
} else {
mSurfaceSize.set(width, height);
if (!isStreaming()) streamingmGLBroadcaster.getVideoSourceConfig().setVideoFrameSize(mSurfaceSize)}
// onDrawFrame I am using below code @Rose Power
Frame frame = session.update();Camera camera = frame.getCamera();
TrackingState cameraTrackingState = camera.getTrackingState();
camera.getProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix, 0, 0.1f, 100.0f);
camera.getViewMatrix(viewMatrix, 0);
PointCloud pointCloud = frame.acquirePointCloud();
pointCloudRenderer.draw(viewMatrix, projectionMatrix);
planeRenderer.drawPlanes(session.getAllTrackables(Plane.class), camera.getDisplayOrientedPose(), projectionMatrix);<br>
@Rose Power looks into the code, I am trying to render camera preview and draw on the frame. but it’s not able to live stream my camera preview.
when I am hitting RTSP URL on VLC media player it shows a black screen and not streaming my camera frame.
Hi, @Rose Power no I am not able to stream my camera preview with GLSufaceview by using this code. That’s why i need your help on this. can you provide any sample code where i can stream my camera preview with GLSurfaceview using go coder for stream.
Hello @parth shah, I checked with my team and we only have the GitHub sample I shared. But, what you can do is submit a support ticket and we can assign you to an engineer that may be able to troubleshoot the code with you. We can’t do that through the forum, but again through a ticket they can run some tests with you and provide suggestions.
You can do that here: