Android and IOS Issues

I just recently downloaded Wowza Trial and have been trying to get it setup for a Live Stream from a rtsp camera feed. I have it working for RTMP with JWPlayer just fine. I cannot for the life of me get it to work for IOS or Android. Currently I have the stream setup to use all of the available client. I also have it setup to Transcode in order to put in a watermark and have multiple resolutions for variable bit-rates. Currently I have it working on RTMP on 720p with the watermark. For my Iphone, I get a white page with a play button, but when I hit play it does nothing at all. For the Android I have here, RTSP won’t work because it is on the newest OS, so I am also using the APPLE way for that. I get the same thing, a black screen with a play button that you can press but wont actually play anything. I am also trying to have some code that will recognize what device is being used (copied, pasted, edited). When I use this page it seems to work fine with selecting which player to use and works for the PC, but not for mobile devices. Here is the html code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jwplayer.defaults = { "ph": 2 };
<BODY STYLE="margin: 0px; background-color: white">
<div id="videoframe"></div>
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
// Browser-aware video player for JW Player and Wowza
// V0.3 - May 19, 2014
// (c)2014 Ian Beyer
// Released under the GPL
var container='videoframe';
var width="100%";
var aspect="16:9";
//This section calculates actual sizes for player when using non-responsive elements.
var multiplier=aspect.split(":");
var fixedwidth = Math.floor(window.innerWidth*width.split("%")[0]/100);
var fixedheight = Math.floor(window.innerWidth*multiplier[1]/multiplier[0]*width.split("%")[0]/100);
console.log ('Size: '+width+', '+aspect+' ('+fixedwidth+' x '+fixedheight+')');
var streamserver='';
var streamport='1935';
var streamapp='live';
var streamname='LCF.stream_720p';
var streambase=streamserver+':'+streamport+'/'+streamapp+'/_definst_/'+streamname;
var cupertinourl='';
var sanjoseurl='';
var smoothurl='';
var dashurl='';
var rtmpurl='rtmp://'+streambase;
var rtspurl='rtsp://'+streambase;
var agent=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var is_iphone = (agent.indexOf('iphone')!=-1);
var is_ipad = (agent.indexOf('ipad')!=-1);
var is_ipod = (agent.indexOf('ipod')!=-1);
var is_safari = (agent.indexOf('safari')!=-1);
var is_iemobile = (agent.indexOf('iemobile')!=-1);
var is_blackberry = (agent.indexOf('blackberry')!=-1);
var is_android1= (agent.indexOf('android\ 1')!=-1);
var is_android2= (agent.indexOf('android\ 2')!=-1);
var is_android3= (agent.indexOf('android\ 3')!=-1);
var is_android4 = (agent.indexOf('android\ 4')!=-1);
var is_android5 = (agent.indexOf('android\ 5')!=-1);
var is_chrome = (agent.indexOf('chrome')!=-1);
if (is_iphone) { iosPlayer(); }
else if (is_ipad) { iosPlayer(); }
else if (is_ipod) { iosPlayer(); }
else if (is_android1) { rtspPlayer(); }
else if (is_android2) { rtspPlayer(); }
else if (is_android4) { a4Player(); }
else if (is_android5) { a4Player(); }
else if (is_blackberry) { rtspPlayer(); }
else if (is_iemobile) { rtspPlayer(); }
else { flashPlayer(); }
function iosPlayer()
var player=document.getElementById(container)
player.innerHTML='<VIDEO '+
' SRC="'+cupertinourl+'"'+
' HEIGHT="'+fixedheight+'"'+
' WIDTH="'+fixedwidth+'"'+
' poster="poster.png"'+
' title="Live Stream"'+
function windowsPlayer()
// Need to add code here for silverlight player in Windows Phone to support the 12 users that actually have one. Until then use rtspPlayer();
function a4Player()
var player=document.getElementById(container)
player.innerHTML='<A HREF="'+cupertinourl+'">'+
'<IMG SRC="player.png" '+
'ALT="Start Mobile Video" '+
'BORDER="1" '+
function dashPlayer()
// Reserved for future use
function rtspPlayer()
var player=document.getElementById(container)
player.innerHTML='<A HREF="'+rtspurl+'">'+
'<IMG SRC="player.png" '+
'ALT="Start Mobile Video" '+
'BORDER="0" '+
function flashPlayer()
//If using JW6 Premium or Enterprise, you can also use the cupertinourl here.
 width: width,
 aspectratio: aspect,
 file: rtmpurl,
 autostart: true

Hello and welcome.

Can you please provide details about the live source? i.e.

video and audio codec?

profile level

what type of encoder

Also, you can start Wowza in stand-alone mode [wowza-install]/bin/startup.bat| and view the output in the console. This will show any error or warn messages to better help troubleshoot the issue.



Do you see any indication of the problem in the logs, or console window when running Wowza in stand alone mode?

The water make is there because you are running a trial version of Wowza. There is no way to get rid of it other then buying a license.



Please take a look at this guide, in particular the troubleshooting section:

How to re-stream video from an IP camera (RTSP/RTP re-streaming)


Hi smbecker3673,

We do regret that you seem to be having difficulties in setting up your IP camera streaming workflow, and I would be glad to assist you with this. Wowza Support actively supports users through the Forum. It is also a place where we encourage our Wowza users, from experienced professionals to hobbyists and all gradations in-between, to post questions about their Wowza deployments and to share their knowledge on their own solutions. The article that Salvadore linked to does include instructions for adding custom properties via the Manager (web interface). You would need to enable Advanced Settings for your account in order to Add Custom Properties as indicated by the Notes section in that article.

There are some Android versions that do not fully support HLS, which is why we recommend testing with an alternative playback format such as RTSP.

You are also free to email a support request to us at Please do so from the email address that requested the trial license key, and include a zip copy of the [install-dir]/conf, /logs, /transcoder, /manager/logs, and a description of your encoder (public link if possible). Please outline all your current issues, and include a link to this thread for reference.


The live source is a camera that you can access with RTSP 1080p directly. The transcoder is set to transcode(default but I have changed the setting that says (required for transrate) to that so I can use ngrp:LCF.stream_all. It is converting it to mp4 format with AAC audio and putting a water mark in. Also I cant get rid of the WOWZA water mark in the bottom right corner for some reason. It transcodes to 720p, 160p, and 240p. I have tried switching to LCF.stream_mobile which includes 160p and 240p for the playlist.m3u8 to see if it was an issue with the phones not loading such a large stream if it was trying 720p. I have never setup a playlist.m3u8 because I figured this was automatically done when the box is checked for it. I have apache for windows installed on same server, but on port 8080 to not interfere with http streaming if it uses port 80 on wowza, but it looks like it still uses 1935 as per instructions for the m3u8 stream. The RTMP works fine on JW Player on my PC for the 720p transcode, except for the extra WOWZA watermark so it shouldn’t have anything to do with the source and mp4 and AAC should be the correct encoder for IOS I think. Also, how can I get rid of the WOWZA watermark in the bottom left, it’s really starting to piss me off.

Okay, that’s good. If I can get this working we are buying the license for it so at least I don’t need to worry about that. I stopped the service and ran the stand alone. It was getting java errors. The version of apache that was installed on server included Tomcat java. I disabled that, restarted, stopped the WOWZA service, ran the stand alone. Got no errors. So Tomcat Java was interfering with the WOWZA service. It works on my IPhone now (awesome)… but android still just a black screen. When trying the android the stand alone has a couple of timeout errors. How can I fix the timeout errors for android?

The other issue I am having is:

With all streams, on any device (still no android), it will play for like 30 seconds and freeze. JWPlayer will freeze then go black. I am in the same building as the server with 100Mbps connection. Nothing else is running on the server. Doesn’t seem to be load or network connection. The camera is not at this location, but the same thing does not happen when using Adobe Media Server for the RTMP stream.

Nice how this has never been updated to do any of this through the web interface. There is no Add Custom Properties. The stream works fine with VLC and Adobe Media Server. WOWZA is the only thing that seems to have an issue with it.

Also for a piece of software that costs so much and has a monthly fee, you would think the could afford an actual support team instead of relying on forum members to do their work for them.