Wowza streaming engine shows Bytes In = 0 Kb/sec for an incoming stream.

I am trying to send a rtsp stream to Wowza Sever using ffmpeg. Wowza show the stream name in incoming streams, but the bytes in is always 0.

ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -fflags nobuffer -re  -i rtsp://[IP]/[STREAM_NAME] -vcodec copy -an -f rtsp rtsp://[WOWZA_IP]/[APPLICATION_NAME]/[STREAM_NAME]

Wowza Streaming Engine can listen to an RTSP source and deliver it to other players.

Wowza Streaming Engine will also automatically attempt to connect to the source if there is a problem. FFmpeg does not do that.

In addition your FFmpeg command can use some improvement as it is missing a user for authenticated publishing and is not using port 1935 which is the default port for Wowza Streaming Engine. For example.

ffmpeg -i [source] -vcodec copy -an -f rtsp -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://[username][password]@[wowza-address]:1935/live/myStream

Additional information on how to use an RTSP encoder to stream to Wowza Streaming Engine can be found in the article below.