Wowza Streaming Engine image on Google Cloud Platform

Hello we ar etrying to install Wowza Streaming Engine on Google Cloud Platform exacky as is described in article When we try to create a new image from Cloud Storage File wowzamediasystems/wse/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.5.0.image.tar.gz we are getting message “Object not available. Either it does not exist or you do not have access. Try browsing for the object instead”.

Whe we tried it from command line with command $ gcloud --project= addimage

we got an error ERROR: (gcloud) Invalid choice: ‘addimage’.

Valid choices are [app, auth, components, compute, config, container, dataproc, deployment-manager, dns, docker, feedback, help, iam, info, init, meta, preview, projects, source, sql, topic, version].

any help please?

thank you


I was unable to reproduce this issue using either a paid or trial account, it seemed to work correctly in both instances. Could you upload a screenshot showing this issue?

Best regards,


Hello ,

I have facing the same issue with the command line when addimage it is showing error. Please find the screenshot for the same. I was unable to deploy the wowza on google cloud. Please help.

