Wowza Streaming Engine 4 + liverepeater-edge-origin?

Hey all!

First off, want to wish a happy new year to all the wonderful people at Wowza, you guys and gals are wonderful!!

Soooooo I’m wondering if the liverepeater-edge-origin stream type can still be used with applications running under WSE 4. I’m trying to refactor some older ish and consolidating NetConnections to stream from the same app as the origin to avoid having redundant connections, but having no luck restreaming the stream to the origin using liverepeater-edge-origin.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Hello Benny.

This should still work, however I think you would have to configure via .xml as opposed to through the Manager.

If this is not working I would focus on the specifics of your connections to make sure the are up-to-date.

As a last resort, you could open a ticket with the support team by email Please include a zipped copy for your /conf/ and logs/ folders when opening a ticket. Along with as much detail about your configuration and issues you are having.

Kind regards,
