wowza stats

What is wdb format? How to extract data from wowza stats?



Thank you.


Hello there, this guide will explain what the .wdb file type is and how to get server statistics from your Wowza server:

How to monitor server connections, load, and application statistics

I hope you find this helpful.


Patrick, you can combine the access logs from each edge server into a single file, and use Sawmill to analyze the data:

How to use Sawmill to analyze Wowza Media Server logs


Also, as Salvadore mentioned previously, if you are going to poll this every few seconds it would be best to modify the connectioncounts and serverinfo HTTP Providers source code and output what is required. This way you can aggregate the data over time and generate your graphs as needed. There isn’t a direct supported alternative at this time.

Thanks Salvadore, I have read, but it is not as I expect

seem wowza manager monitor show history graph from .wdb file format (may be it collect from log files?). I would like to draw history graph by using data from .wdb

webservice “connectioncounts” return current connnection only. It not good idea if we call the service every 1 minute…?

I not sure if wowza have some API or solutions to access or extract data from .wdb

I found servermonitoring use data from servermonitoring 8088/enginemanager/server/monitoring/historical.jsdata. This service response as JSON data then generate graph…

I have 1 origin server, but 10 edge server. I would like to collect data and generate our graph. Any suggestion please let me know. Thank you!