Wowza Server Crash possible?

Dear Wowza Community,

is it possible that Wowza can crash the entire Server & Operating System?

Our server is crashing every 3-5 days and we dont know why.

thank you for your time and help

kind regards

Dear Wowza Community,

is it possible that Wowza can crash the entire Server & Operating System?

Our server is crashing every 3-5 days and we dont know why.

thank you for your time and help

kind regards


It is extremely unlikely that Wowza will crash the entire OS. If you can describe the OS you are running, and the symptoms (machine reboots, shows blue screen etc) that may help pinpoint the issue.


Hi oomworld,

While i think it is highely unlikely that wowza could be causing your seerver to crash, in this buisness i have learnt never to say never and expect the unexpected xD

First thing we will need to know in order to start to acertain what is happening is he following information:

Debug Information Request:

  • The Server operating system your using (Name & Version/Build) e.g (Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition, CentOS 6.5/7, Ubuntu Server 14.0.0 e.t.c).

  • Any Server log or dump files that are being generated because of the crash.

  • Wowza Log Files.

    Polite Note: Always remmeber when posting logs or other documents that contain or may contain large pieces of information to use the "

    " and "

    " tags (remove the space).

    Once we have more of an idea of what kind of system your running, and can have a scan over some log files we will be able to better help you understand whats going on.




I recommend creating a ticket with Wowza support my sending an email to to resolve the crashing issue you’re having.

As for the “Missing function: xsbwtest” messages, the “Missing function: [function-name]” error in Wowza is usually the result of a Flash application doing[function-name]) where [function-name] does not exist.

Wowza will ignore the messages that it does not understand but does log them. I recommend checking the log for memory related issues if Wowza is crashing.

Ensure that the server is tuned using the Wowza tuning guide.

After making any adjustments to the tuning you will need to restart Wowza for the changes to take effect.



Have same problem, OS not crashed, Wowza server only.

First - bunch of

2015-02-17 23:17:06 CST comment server WARN 200 - Missing function: xsbwtest

And next bunch of

2015-02-17 23:45:56 CST comment server INFO 200 - killUnidentifiedSessions: Killing unidentified session: address:/ - - - 423841.581

Work only after restart WMS.

How to fix?