I’ve tested the uploader with version 1.10.77 of the SDK and it looks like it is working. Because this isn’t the latest version, there isn’t a single jar file so you will need to get the following files from Maven (or compile the SDK yourself:
In the 1.11.x versions of the SDK, it looks like AWS have updated the version of Apache httpclient that it requires so that the version which ships with WowzaStreamingEngine is no longer compatible.
The module should upload a recording once it has completed. Are you not finding that to be the case? Note that recordings that get versioned due to a new recording don’t count as recordings, but any active recording should be uploaded once the recording ends.
The module works but only copy to the last file S3 recorded in EC2. Is it possible to record all emissions of an application? Example: MyStream.mp4; MyStream_01.mp4, etc …