Wowza not recording live RTMP video incoming stream


I am using ffmpeg to capture my desktop screen and stream it to wowza. Following is the command i give:

ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 5 -i desktop -f flv rtmp://[wowza-ip]:1935/live/vstream

I can view the stream using vlcplayer live…

But wowza is not saving this to a file when I click “Record this stream”…It is creating 1kb file…

I havent kept any security or authentication on my live application in Wowza server.

Plz guide.


You should probably also try to encode the stream being published to Wowza using H264 video codec and AAC or MP3 audio codec.

You can also add the video and audio codec options as well: “-vcodec libx264 -vb 500000 -g 60 -vprofile main -acodec aac -ab 128000 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -strict experimental”


Yes I did with encoding also…Video is then saved properly

I am trying to mix live audio stream to this video stream, but the mixed stream is not synchronized

Audio is about 15 secs ahead of video…How should I sync this.