Wowza hosting m3u8 while CloudFront hosts chunks

Hi, is it possible to make Wowza host a live stream m3u8 playlist that points to segments hosted elsewhere e.g. CloudFront? I’d like for the player to be able to use nDVR features like wowzadvrplayliststart and wowzadvrplaylistduration but those aren’t available when Wowza is a caching origin:

In this new set up, a stream would come into Wowza origin, which splits it up into chunks, pushes the chunks to CloudFront as usual. The only difference would be to rewrite the m3u8 playlist to point to the chunk URLs on CloudFront. Does the Java API allow me to modify the m3u8 playlist / other manifests?




The scenario that you described is not supported.

Just a remark, the Wowza http origin application is not pushing the HLS chunks to Cloudfront. The Cloudfront distribution is pulling the playlist and the TS files from the Wowza origin application.
