I have the following problem with connectioninfo http provider
The manual says
HTTPConnectionInfo -(com.wowza.wms.http.HTTPConnectionInfo)
HTTPConnectionInfo return detailed connection information in XML format and is available
through administrative port 8086 (http://[wowza-ip-address]:8086/connectioninfo).
However i get only a txt/html output with server=n (for example server=3)
What am i doing wrong?
That is correct for that HTTPProvider. n = the number of current connects to that server.
You are probably looking for more detailed info. Take a look at connectioncounts and serverinfo
The best data is in the access logs. I recommend focusing on that.
If you want to poll the HTTPProviders and you want more data, the article links to source code for each of these that you can extend in the Wowza IDE.
Ok thanks for the feedback. The description in the manuel is a bit confusing (HTTPConnectionInfo returns detailed connection information). I was expecting more info 
We are trying to build our own statistics tool based on the information we are getting through the http providers/
The problem that we are facing is that we are only able to see clientid’s and no stream id’s for a file. This makes it impossible to count how many people that have played a specific file/item.
Any suggestions how we can solve that? Is the jmx interface able to provide us with that information?