Hello, I’m using windows 10 for development webrtc project on my pc. Today I came accross that, when I tried to open wowza, it shows Bind failed, try again ([any]:1935).
I check all the program, I search which program use 1935 via netstat -ano | findstr 1935, etc , no luck.
There is nothing working in this port. Then I uninstall and install wowza again . the same result, then I create the virtual machine with windows 10 latest update, still the same.
Is there anyone came across the same problem ?
Yesterday it was working fine, today without nothing change ( maybe windows update itself ) it does not work.
after shutdown the pc, if I enable the service, sometimes it can work via service, however with startup.bat , no luck. Also while its telling me that bind failed, I can manage the wowza via 8088 engine manager.
I tried to change the 1935 to 1936 1940 , still the same error
Try to run Wowza as Administrator (if you haven’t tried that yet): Start - Run - type “cmd” and right-click on “Command Prompt”, then select “Run as administrator”. In the console window, go to the Wowza /bin folder and run startup.bat manually.
Hi Karel, yes I tried all the way, I’ve already tried this.
tasklist, netstat -ano etc everything seems fine, I remove and install again and again, also I copy another conf from remote server that work without any problem, still not working.
did you check your network connections ? As I see you are sure that nothing works on 1935, this is sign of multiple network problem, 1935 empty however you cant bind it because wowza tried to bind any:1935, If you use vmware or vbox, you should have more than 1 network interfaces there, try disabling other network and then restart the machine ( probably the vmware add another interface with default 2 etc , however no problem , let it be enable )
open terminal
taskkill /F /IM java*
cd c:/wowza/bin
I’m really grateful for your help, the virtuals working about 3-4 months, it’s the first time I came across this. it works now, you are the man save my day