Wowza 3 ios chunklist missing

Hi, I’m trying to use the recorder ios view function of a video. Video is longer than an hour and therefore split in more than one file. I can stream the whole video using rtmp, having the player call


and then after an hour


When trying to obtain the audio/video data with the iOS way (HSL instead of rtmp) I can only see a single playlist.m3m8 that points to a single chunklist.m3m8. That chunklist contains the video chunks of only the first hour of the video.

So my quuestion is: where can I find the second playlist.m3m8? I’m speaking of that one relative to the “mp4:<path/name>-2.mp4”.

Thanks a lot!!

We need to better understand your workflow by viewing your full configuration and logs. Due to a variety of settings that would need to be examined from the encoder to the player, can you please submit a support ticket @Claudio Desideri?