One of the greatest problems plaguing original content providers is the ability to dump or relay your live material or on demand material with literally no effort. There are various different DRM based solutions, and where i could understand the benefit of such options if your offering downloads as well the majority who offer streaming solutions will find DRM to be costly and generally can cause compatibility problems for certain mobile devices and even streaming web based devices such as Roku, etc. Well WMSAuth is the first solution i have run into which actually delivers what it promises. Proper Domain Lock, and a very unique system to verify hash based on a few unique variables which cannot be faked.
This means whether you want to playback on the iOS platform, Roku, PC/MAC/Linux Browsers in Flash whatever the case maybe, you should be able to output with their protection correctly. Now it does take some reading to set it up correctly, ill admit the documentation was clear, examples for php implementation was reasonably easy to understand. However, if your not as sharp when it comes to the web design side of the equation, i would recommend using someone who is. That will relieve some of the stress i personally experienced. Plus most of that was related to me over looking something, versus it not being documented correctly.
Were using a Live-Origin setup to upload our original streams to. Then pulling with a .stream file -> live-edge (also on our server). Live edge is completely protected with WMSAuth. Those 2 Applications communicate with each other with the use of a securetoken (rtmpauth module) with publish pass enabled as well on the live-origin.
This way we can repeat streams on the protected live-edge, and pull our main streams through to it. a Great setup, great protection. I cannot find a way to exploit it i have tried everything i can think of, all the tools i’m familiar with and its not been possible.
In closing, 5 stars, i highly recommend this if your trying to protect your original content. And the way i have the origin configured i can still provide media partners a feed safely with a token.
Best Regards,
You can find there services here: