where to start create server module?


for while, i search on google about tutorial to create server module in wowza. but i never found, so i try write own with eclipse + wowza plugin. but never work :frowning:

any one can tell me where i can start(tutorial) ? at this time, i just want to write helloworld application that write string data(“hello world !!”) on log files or just print out to console. just to check that i go to right way :slight_smile:

Thank you and sorry if i had mistake :slight_smile:

I use Wowza 2.2.4 free edition, eclipse + wowza plugin, and linux

here is tutorial how to install eclipse + wowza … https://www.wowza.com/ide.html

and how to start creating modules is here https://www.wowza.com/downloads/WowzaIDE-2-0-0/WowzaIDE_UsersGuide.pdf

Take a look at this example:



thanks, I have try and work. but, can you tell me why when i add this code

public void onConnect(IClient client, RequestFunction function,

AMFDataList params) {

getLogger().info("onConnect: " + client.getClientId());



nothing happen. :frowning:

here i want is, when connection create, wowza check channel list on database. if no exists on database, then kick out connection. code above i write is just test what method call when connection establish. :slight_smile:

Thank you and sorry i had mistake, especialy my english :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: