I have tried following the following two guides and I can not get StreamPublisher or ModuleLoopUntilLive to work.
- How to schedule streaming with Wowza Streaming Engine (StreamPublisher)
- How to loop a pre-roll until a live stream starts (LoopUntilLive)
What are the minimum steps that should work?
My live2 application is of the live type. I added the wse-plugin-streampublisher jar, set up the listener, and set up the module.
I expect to see the sample.mp4 video play when I navigate to http://[ip address]:1935/live2/Stream1/playlist.m3u8. I am not getting anything to play at all.
/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/live2.smil complete listing
<stream name="Stream1"></stream>
<stream name="Stream2"></stream>
<playlist name="pl1" playOnStream="Stream1" repeat="true" scheduled="2016-04-15 16:00:00">
<video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="5" length="5"/>
<video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="50" length="5"/>
<video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="150" length="5"/>
<playlist name="pl2" playOnStream="Stream1" repeat="true" scheduled="2016-04-15 16:30:00">
<video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="0" length="-1"/>
<playlist name="pl3" playOnStream="Stream1" repeat="true" scheduled="2017-03-28 16:00:00">
<video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="0" length="20"/>
<playlist name="pl4" playOnStream="Stream2" repeat="true" scheduled="2016-04-15 16:00:00">
<video src="mp4:sample.mp4" start="30" length="5"/>
live2 custom properties
Path Name Type Value
/Root/Application securityPublishRequirePassword Boolean true
/Root/Application pushPublishMapPath String ${com.wowza.wms.context.VHostConfigHome}/conf/${com.wowza.wms.context.Application}/PushPublishMap.txt
/Root/Application streamPublisherSmilFile String live2.smil
/Root/Application streamPublisherPassMetaData Boolean true
/Root/Application streamPublisherSwitchLog Boolean true
/Root/Application loopUntilLiveSourceStreams String myStream
/Root/Application loopUntilLiveOutputStreams String Stream1
/Root/Application loopUntilLiveReloadEntirePlaylist Boolean true
/Root/Application loopUntilLiveHandleMediaCastersBoolean true