What is the difference between the stats, access and error logs?

Hi guys,

I’m really a novice at java and linux so apologies if this is not really a wowza related issue.

I have been playing around with log4j.properties and I think I have a rough idea of what is going on. Throughout my code I have used the following:

getLogger().info("some useful info");

I don’t understand why sometimes the message appears in the different log files (stats, access and error).

Also, am I right in thinking that I need to restart the server in order for changes to log4j.properties to take effect?

The difference between the Access and Stats appender is the Fields list.

The Error appender also has a Threshold=WARN, and different Fields list.

You can modify the Fields list of any appender.

Yes, Wowza has to be restarted for changes in /conf/log4j.properties to take effect.
