WebRTC Wowza WebSocket API reference


I’m trying to set up the video chat using Wowza WebRTC and have a few questions.

  1. Could you please provide the full list of commands which I can send to the Wowza WebSocket controller?

  2. Do I need to close the previous stream and open the new one if I want to upgrade the Peer connection? e.g. if the user uses the microphone and then wants to enable the video.

  3. Is it okay that the stream is ready and I can see it in Wowza Manager but when I send the play command I get “stream is not ready”?

3 Example:

  1. The first user sends sendOffer command and receives the OK at 12:00:00

  2. The second user trying to connect via sending getOffer multiple times with 200 milliseconds delay at 12:00:00.

  3. I can see that stream is ready in Wowza Manager at 12:00:01

  4. The second user connected only at 12:00:04 - 12:00:06 because previously he received 'stream is not ready’

So, the question is: It is okay that connection takes so much time.

Checking for you

  1. As far as the full list of WebRTC commands @Oleg Nazarov, what we have is in our docs and on our GitHub page we have complete WebRtC code samples:



  1. You will not be able to close and reopen it to upgrade the connection if the user now wants to enable video.

  2. Yes this is ok. The user may be waiting for a keyframe and so there are a few variables in play.

In order to really provide more specific feedback tech support would need to have a ticket so we can take a closer look at what the sources are and the transcoding required for those additional connections.

You can do that here:


Hope this helps a bit for now.

  1. You will not be able to close and reopen it to upgrade the connection if the user now wants to enable video.

Let me describe the issue.

1 step. The user1 enables the mic, attaches new stream to video element, creates RTCPeerConnection, set local description and sends sendOffer command to wowza

2 step. The user2 connects to user1’s stream

3 step. The user1 enables camera, set local description and sends sendOffer command to wowza

4 step. The user1 receives “stream name in use” response

How to update stream on user2’s side if I can’t publish it to Wowza?

I see, let me check with out webrtc engineer.

Thanks. Waiting for your feedback.

Hello. Any updated about my question?