hi ,
from the WebRTC.zip file , inside the folder is have the html , java …
do where the file location I should put on? and how I can view from WebRTC after setting all the step from the Readme.
and I hit error WebSocket connection failed?
You will not need to put the Java folder anywhere; it’s a sample HTTP Provider that you can edit if you like. The HTML files will need to be added to a folder like this.
[install-dir]/htdocs/webrtc/[html contents will need to copied in the webrtc dir you create.
To view the WebRTC inside a Chrome/Firefox browser you will enter this to “publish” and “playback”:
If having further issues, I would recommend opening a support case with the below info:
Browser and version being used and the below folders.
[install-dir]/logs (most recent logs with a reboot and showing connection attempts)
If you are not sure how to get this information please see the following tutorial.
Your links don’t work, they are …
Hello @Paul MM
Those are only samples of what to use. You can test WebRTC Publish/Play/Chat on this site:
You will need to enter your StreamLock / SSL cert value in the SDP URL text input box along with your webrtc application name and stream name.
For example: wss://[yourstreamlocknumber].streamlock.net/webrtc-session.json