In an iFrame, the wowzaplayer fullscreen button does not work. Is there some way to make this work in an iFrame?
In an iFrame, the wowzaplayer fullscreen button does not work. Is there some way to make this work in an iFrame?
My bad - put allowfullscreen in the iFrame…
@alan costello:Could you share your iFrame code? I’m having trouble embedding the Wowza Player in an iFrame
I just had the player on a webpage and iFramed it as one usually does:
If you send me yours I can try to see the problem.
I think we got it figured out. My IT guy says we’re getting a couple JS errors, but it’s working on multiple browsers on multiple platforms, so we’re calling it a win
For anyone else looking for the same info, this is the code we used to embed the stream in a wordpress site: