User Authentication

Take a look at the server-side API. There are several variations of the method IClient.rejectConnection that will send back the proper error status.



is there a way to pass a parameter back to the client which can be used to detect the reason for disconnection?

i would love to be able to tell my client if his connection was rejected due to authentication error / if it was rejected by some other reason (i am using other server side modules too like limiting maximum number of connections). I was hoping to find a way to return a parameter to the client from the onConnect method … when the connection is rejected.

Any help in this direction would be greatly appreciated.

(I am a veteran at java, rookie at wowza and novice at best at action script)



can I just call a client Method (which is defined inside the client CustomNetConnection class) inside the onConnect so I would tell the client the reason of rejection/acceptance ?


See this post for an example:

sendClientOnStatusError(client, "NetStream.Play.Failed", "The client IP was rejected");


I stumbled upon this method while digesting the wowza apis… am I moving in the right direction? :confused:

on the above thread Charlie has used the piece of code sendStreamOnStatusError(stream, “NetStream.Play.Failed”, "Access denied: "+streamName);

which looks like some way of telling the client “ACCESS DENIED” … am hoping to find something similar… but inside the onConnect method. In charlie’s code the play method has been overridden.




Thanks!! a ton!!

That sounds like a job for a content management platform such as Drupal or PHPNuke.

I’d imagine so, if you can query the user table in the CMS database.


Someone may reply here on the forums and offer to handle your project.

If not, if you need a list of independent consultants who may be willing to bid on your task, please send an email to me at: sales -at- WowzaMedia -dot- com.


John West

thanks rrlanham for sharing link here…use full for me too


See this post for an example:

sendClientOnStatusError(client, "NetStream.Play.Failed", "The client IP was rejected");


Thanks! Helped a lot.


I want to add SQL user authentication to my membership website.

Is there anyone who could assist me? On here, email or via msn?

That sounds like a job for a content management platform such as Drupal or PHPNuke.

Hi mate,

I run Amember, its similar to PHPnuke and should work in the same way database wise.

Would this script work with it?

well currently I have icecast linking off the database and it works fine.

Now I need to find someone willing to help me install flash/wowza/authentication as I cant even get flash installed on my servers!

Tried both CentOS and Debian :(!!

I have emailed you John Thanks :slight_smile: