I think I understand what you are seeing: with HLS streams to iOS devices there can be multiple sessions server-side for what is one playback session from the user’s point of view. If you need to tie them together for accounting purposes you can use this technique
That is the tricked i used yes.
I made a few modifications for my needs:
log4j.appender.SQ.sql=INSERT IGNORE INTO accesslog (SELECT NULL AS id, '%X{date} %X{time}}' AS DATETIME, '%X{x-event}' AS EVENT, SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX('%X{x-sname-query}', '&', 2),'&',1) AS userid, SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX('%X{x-sname-query}%', '&', -2),'&',1) AS sessionid, SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX('%X{x-sname-query}%', '&', -1),'&',2) AS videoid, '%X{c-ip}' AS ip FROM ( SELECT NULL AS dummy_column) AS dummy_table WHERE '%X{x-event}' = 'connect' OR '%X{x-event}' = 'disconnect' LIMIT 1 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE EVENT = '%X{x-event}'
I send the userId, sessionId and videoId to Wowza, with that i filter out all the needed data.
Since wowza has a delay of 30seconds between connect and disconnect i group the users with the session_id so they can freely watch videos in the same browser without getting a notification that they hitted there limit.
I think that is why i am getting a early disconnect, one of the sessions of a IOS device disconnects and wowza updates that.
What happens when i just turn of the HLS?
When i turn off HLS, the iPad stops playing the video