Unable to push live RTMP to Azure Media Services Live channel


We are building a live streaming infrastructure with multiple WSE origins pushing to Azure Media Services Live Channels.

I’m trying to push an RTMP stream to my Azure Media Services Live channel using Stream Target on WSE 4.5.0

Azure gives me the following syntax for RTMP ingest :


I’ve tried several combinations of host / application / instance / stream name but as soon I start the Stream Target I get the following error:

PushPublishRTMP.sessionClosed[rtmp://myChannelName.channel.mediaservices.windows.net:1935/live/GUID/livestream]: RTMP session closed unexpectedly. Retrying in 3000 msec

For information with FMLE, FFMPEG, Wirecast, it works with any stream name and the following syntax:

Server : rtmp://myChannelName.channel.mediaservices.windows.net:1935/live/GUID/

Stream Name : Anything

Thank you


We don’t have any specific stream target profiles for Azure but I believe it acts as a generic RTMP ingest point. I have seen issues in the past with Azure Media Services that was fixed by adding the following to the specific stream target map entry in [install-dir]/conf/[app-name]/PushPublishMap.txt



myStream={profile:"rtmp", host:"xxx.channel.mediaservices.windows.net", application:"live", appInstance:"12345abcde12345abcde", streamName:"az-stream-name", howToPublish:"live", debugLog: true}

