Unable to access published stream outside of computer

We’re running a trial version of the streaming server to validate whether or not to proceed with Wowza. So far we’ve managed to publish a stream and be able to connect to that stream on the same computer. http://[computer-ip]:80/[application]/[stream]

But when we try to connect from another computer within the same network to the same IP - it wont connect.

Is this due to Wowza being in trial mode? Or is there some other whitelisting needing to be done?


Hello there and welcome to the Wowza support forum.

It sounds like you may need to port forward TCP port 1935 (in your router) to the computer running Wowza. Or on your network you need to map port 1935 to the server running Wowza.

A simple test would be to connect to the Wowza server from the second machine.

You can do this by entering [wowza-ip]:1935 in a browser of the second machine, it should display Wowza version and build numbers. If not port forwarding is in order.

This is a helpful resource:




Thank you for the update and glad to hear you got this sorted.



Hello there and welcome to the Wowza support forum.

It sounds like you may need to port forward TCP port 1935 (in your router) to the computer running Wowza. Or on your network you need to map port 1935 to the server running Wowza.

A simple test would be to connect to the Wowza server from the second machine.

You can do this by entering [wowza-ip]:1935 in a browser of the second machine, it should display Wowza version and build numbers. If not port forwarding is in order.

This is a helpful resource:




Thanks for the reply.

This does not seem to be the case, however.

Simple example: My local computers’ IP is

On that machine we run Wowza virtualhost to port 80.

When accessing in the browser on that machine we get: “Wowza Streaming Engine 4 Trial Edition (Expires: Sep 05, 2016) 4.4.1 build17882”

When accessing from another machine in the network - connection times out.

Then we turn off the Wowza service, and run something else on port 80. That one comes through fine on both machines. Same port; no changes in forwarding.

It looks to me that Wowza not accepting any other incoming connections other than local.

ah found it, windows is firewalling external connections of wowza