Trouble with Security Token since last week


I’m a wowza user. I’ve configurated my vod to work with Security Token V2 and I’ve built a JWPlayer using TEA. The wowza is running on an Amazon EC2 instance.

All was working fine until last week. The vídeo doesn’t work anymore. The connection is stablished, the player allows the connection but the vídeo doesn’t starts… The player only shows the loading animation. In the manager i can see the active connection.

When I switch to the VOD default aplication the vídeo starts immediately.

I’ve started an other wowza trial and an new EC2 on Amazon for testing… I’ve got the same results… Doesn’t work on Security Token 2 and works on VOD.

I need to solve this very quickly, because my client’s videos are unprotected…

Can you help me?

Thanks a lot!

Hi there.

You should probably open a support ticket for this.

Please follow this guide and send requested information to

How to create a compressed zip file in Windows, OS X, and Linux

Thank you,
