Transcoding in origin/edge configuration


I’m trying to implement smooth streaming using the following configuration:

  • Use one WMS with the transcoder add-on in Windows (so i can transcode using hardware acceleration), using it as origin server.

  • Use one WMS in Linux acting as an edge server, so everybody could connect to it, never to the origin server.

  • Configure smooth streaming on the origin server

    So, basically, what i’m trying to do is use one WMS (almost) as an encoder. The reason i’m doing this is because Wowza can’t handle Expression Encoder’s live smooth streaming, and also because i want to work with WMS in Linux.

    Is this configuration possible?

    Thanks in advance,



Yes, that is a typical configuration. Make sure to use the repeater LiveStreamPacketizers on the edge.


You publish once to origin, and re-stream from each edge.

There should be one connection between an edge and the origin for each client type. If you only have Flash clients connecting to the edge there should be one connection from that edge to the origin to repeat to each Flash client that connects to that edge. If you have Cupertino HLS clients, that will be another one repeated to those clients.


You can have 9 or 10 (for vod) clients each subscribing to one client stream. When you get that message, or another like it, you have exceeded


You can have 9 or 10 (for vod) clients each subscribing to one stream. When you get that message, or another like it, you have exceeded


It’s all well documented. There are limits to the developer license.



Yes, the origin should do the live stream packetizing for HTTP clients using this configuration:



Thanks for the quick reply.

I’ve got a couple more questions, if you don’t mind.

  • For each live stream i want to serve to clients, the edge server only asks for each of them once, no matter how many clients may connect to the edge WMS. Is this correct?

  • The live stream publishing is done on both sides?



Just to be clear, that’s for client type AND for each stream, isn’t it?


Didn’t quite get that… what message?, why vod?

No no, we do have a monthly licence, but since i do not buy it myself, i had to create a forum member with some kind of licence in order to ask the questions. We have unlimited connections of course.

I’ve got one more question regarding the edge/origin architecture: if the edge server has one connection to the origin WMS for each type of client, does it mean that the encapsulation is ALL done by the origin?, in that case, the edge just acts as a proxy?.

Thanks again!,


Thank you, Richard!, you’ve been really helpful.

