Transcode bitrate stream is way lower than configured?

Not sure how to title this one, but will attempt to explain and find a solution. Using version 4.4.1

I enable transcoding on a stream with incoming source bit rate of 1.2Mbit. My transcoder template for 640P is set to 800000Kbits/s and 320P is set to 450000Kbits/s. But whenever I check the network throughput for the individual streams, the 640P comes in around 200Kbit/s and 320P comes in around 90Kbits/s. Playing the HLS stream and RTSP stream with VLC and checking the codec info correlates the content bit rates to be that low. Why is the bit rate so low compared to what is set? I’m concern that this is affecting the quality of the stream. Thanks for any in sight.



To further investigate this drop in bitrate, I would recommend opening a support case.

Helpful info will be:

The encoder you are using, the encoder settings, if this happens with multiple streams, and the below conf/logs.





If you are not sure how to get this information please see the following tutorial.

