Can anyone help me with some basic information…I like to run a Live strean with 1, 4, 6 and 12 hours delay. how can i make this possible the BEST way using wowza 3 or 4. Please advice.
I heard abou ndvr and live stream recorder. but please advice on whats the best method possible.
Also if i like to hire someone to set this up for me… please advice if wowza support offer to work side by side with customer to setup wowza for my specific need for a fixed fee ? or can recommend a developer.
Yes, it is possible to use the nDVR addon to play back a delayed live stream. Please take a look at the How to use Wowza nDVR Playlist Request API article for a detailed description on how to configure and use the nDVR addon for achieving this functionality.
For more information about planning anr deploying your nDVR Wowza setup, please take a look at the following forum articles:
If you need help in setting up your system, you can post your project requirements in our Find a Consultant forum section.
Another approach is to use Live Stream Record to make segmented recordings, then use this scheduler to play them back as live streams. And some combine nDVR and recordings/scheduler approach. The Live Stream Record recordings are more portable than the nDVR store.