Switch between 24/7 playlist and live stream

hi wowza people,

we work with wowza on ec2 and it works like a charme so far.

we broadcast a 24/7 playlist for which we dynamically create and change Stream and Play objects (live and vod) in a custom Wowza Module.

The playlist data is being maintainend in a cms, wowza gets the playlist updates as a JSON string and creates the corresponding actions.

Now we want to do the following and need a little hint on how to implement this the best way:

  • Stream 1 should play our existing 24/7 playlist (works already)

  • On Stream 2, we want to broadcast 1-2 daily live streams, that should replace the 24/7 playlist. When the live stream ends, we want to switch back to the 24/7 stream

  • Stream 3 should handle the switch between 24/7 playlist and live streams in order to send a consistent signal to the player.

We are looking forward to all of your answers and thank you a lot in advance!



Take a look at these examples:







I’m new to Wowza. How did you set up the 24/7 playlist? I am using Wowza on Amazon and would like to do this too.

hi wowza people,

we work with wowza on ec2 and it works like a charme so far.

we broadcast a 24/7 playlist for which we dynamically create and change Stream and Play objects (live and vod) in a custom Wowza Module.

The playlist data is being maintainend in a cms, wowza gets the playlist updates as a JSON string and creates the corresponding actions.

Take a look at the links I posted above


Start with this example:



Came to the forums looking for exactly this.

@hundstage - Are you able to share the custom module that allows you to do this?

I’d really be interested in learning to do exactly what you are after.


I’ve been trying to do something simillar.

i tried to add a live stream among the playlist items, but it doesn’t play. but this is out of the question by now.

we broadcast a 24/7 playlist for which we dynamically create and change Stream and Play objects (live and vod) in a custom Wowza Module.

The playlist data is being maintainend in a cms, wowza gets the playlist updates as a JSON string and creates the corresponding actions.

Could you explain to me how you do that… i’ve created a php module that creates the playlist and when the server is restarted it updates the smil file. but it’s not good for publishers who wants to change the current playlist. and as i understood, you can manipulate the stream on the fly… is it correct? if so, please help me with that.