streamresolver module

Hi all, I am testing the streamresolver module:

Is properly configured and working. Does somebody know if this module can resolve any origin server after a timeout? I mean, imagine that I am publishing to the origin server 1 and the edge server has an origin server list with 3 different origins servers. In the first try the edge server check the origin servers list and automatically detects which one has the stream (the first one in the example) and redirects to the edge server to the correct origin server which has the stream. Now imagine that the server 1 has any problem and you want to redirect to the users to the origin server 2 (something that any edge application can do automatically to the backup origin). You unpublish in the first node and publish in the second one. In this case the module doesn´t go to the second node, always goes to the same origin server and a restart of the application is needed to repeat the process (the edge server check again the list and search the stream) something that is not usefull when you have more than 70 edge servers.

Somebody can help me?



The edge should notice which origin has the source on the initial playback request and start pulling from that server. As an example, if you publish to origin 1 and origin 2 - if the edge starts streaming from origin1 and Wowza stops on that node then the player should start pulling in the stream from origin2, similarly to how the OriginURL works. I just did a quick test here using the RTMP test player and it behaved as expected. Is that not what you are experiencing?



Thanks por the reply Paul, yes, you are right, the reconnect to the origin2 in your example, is not working in my enviroment. The player is always trying the connection to the first origin server and it only tries to connect to the second origin server when I restart the edge application and I reconnect the player. In the edge app log you can see that the edge server get the timeout but is not trying to connect to the other server which is in the file. I am going to test it again, but one month ago I can´t do it work. I will come back with more info.
