I downloaded and installed the extra plugins package…
I set up the listener for the server…
I set the properties for the server…
Added the modules for the application…
Added the properties for the application…
Created a smil playlist
<stream name="01"></stream>
<stream name="02"></stream>
<playlist name="pl2" playOnStream="01" repeat="true" scheduled="2013-09-25 16:30:00">
<video src="mp4:Primafila-01.ts" start="0" length="-1"/>
<playlist name="pl3" playOnStream="02" repeat="true" scheduled="2013-09-25 16:00:00">
<video src="mp4:Il_mistero_di_Dante.avi" start="30" length="5"/>
I did load the playlist with no problems…

But the stream does not start in any way

Someone would know tell me where am I wrong?
It may be that the video files you are trying to insert into the streams are not the right format. The file names suggest this.
They must be proper mp4 format files. If you look at the server logs, you may see lots of errors saying that the files are missing the moov atom which indicates that they are the wrong format.
On the contrary, this was a good question. Thank you for posting.
Verify that you can play the video files directly from the vod application before listing them in the scheduler playlists.
There is a complete list of file formats in the Quick Start Guide.
Wowza server is able to ingest live mpeg-ts format but is not able to read it directly from a file. You may be able to use something like ffmpeg to convert the ts files to mp4 which should then work. Because you would just be changing the container format, it should be fairly quick as there isn’t a need to re-encode.
With regular streaming, Wowza server just reads the file from disk or the live stream coming in from the encoder and then repackages it in a format that the player requires. This way, you can support lots of different player types with a single file or input stream. The stream format (h264 / aac) and bitrate are not changed so there is no extra encoding.
You do have the option of using Wowza transcoder that does re-encode the streams. This is used to create multi bitrate renditions from a single live source or to convert an incompatible live format (mpeg2 to h264 for example).
Thank a lot…
Where can i find a complete list of supported formats?
I preferred to use the .TS files (mpegts container with x264/aac codecs), and avoid using the wowza encoder or any other live encoder to reduce the load on the cpu.
So only mp4, mp3, and flv from disk. But during transmission to the client would not make a live encoding proces? I can disable the encoder and force wowza to send the original file format and bitrate?
If so, I’d be happier to encode the files first and store as perfect mp4, and only use Wowza for distribution without overloading the cpu.
Having therefore mp4 files with h264 and aac codecs do not race the risk that wowza enable the encoder? Nice 
Ok, with mp4 all work fine… The thread can be closed as SOLVED
Im sorry for the stupid issue