If you use http streaming using wowza player, streaming proceeds normally. However, if you use http streaming with vlc player, streaming stops after about one minute. Can you tell me why?
Hi @Keunseok Ryu, sorry that’s happening for you with the VLC Player. In order for your url to be tested and for any debugging to take place, you will need to submit a support ticket. Our forums do not provide that ability and it requires full access to your files and logs.
Did you check to see if you have a firewall blocking this connection? Do you have the proper ports open? If both are fine, then it may be your DNS timing out- that could trigger this issue.
DNS issue that is timing out- you can run a ping test to see if this working correctly.
Make sure you are not using a private IP address and that it is routable outside your local network.
If you can connect to port 1935 when opening a browser directly on the server then that points to a network issue.