Streaming ip cameras from subfolders

Good afternoon!

In our project we need to use structure with subfolders. For ex. we have root folder ipcam and in this folder we have a lot of folders with number combinations. And in this folders we see a lot of files.


  1. /ipcam/

  2. /ipcam/01/

In first variant I can give the stream by rtmp, rtsp, http (hls). rtmp://[ip-of-server]:1935/ipcam/

In second var. I can’t give the stream by rtsp and http(hls).

rtmp://[ip-of-server]:1935/ipcam/mp4:01/ is working

But rtsp://[ip-of-server]:1935/ipcam/mp4:01/ and http://[ip-of-server]:1935/ipcam/mp4:01/ are not working! What should we do to stream from subfolder’s files?

Hello there,

Try adding definst to the URL:



Kind regards,


That’s great news Sergey. Thanks for the update and glad I was able to help get this working.

Kind regards,


Salvadore, thank you! I tryed it in that day and everything was ok! Thank you a lot!

With best regards,
