Stream Fail

Hello good day, migrate my server, help me to check if the configuration is correct.

i have wowza 4.

the rtmp not work


I’m not sure I follow as I tried your hls url provided and the rtmp variant and both seem to be working from my location. Can you describe in more detail of the problem you are having?



Do you have the required wms-transport-security.jar (the latest for version 4.x) file in your lib/ folder? If so, please restart Wowza and do the test once more. Then zip up your conf/, logs/, and lib/ folder for further review.

Hello Matt, Thanks for answer, do you open this


Require secure RTMP connection is enable, the stream no found…


I’m not sure I follow as I tried your hls url provided and the rtmp variant and both seem to be working from my location. Can you describe in more detail of the problem you are having?



Performance Tuning

OS Architecture



Total: 15.71 GB

Available: 11.77 GB

Processor Cores


Java Version


Java Bitness


Performance Tuning > Java Settings

Java Heap Size

Production level

10000 MB

Java Garbage Collection Settings

Concurrent collector (recommended)

-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:NewSize=512m

Performance Tuning > Server Thread Pools

Handler Thread Pool Size

500 threads

Transport Thread Pool Size

Set automatically to: 160 threads

Performance Tuning > Media Cache Tuning

Writer Thread Pool

Set automatically to: 8 threads

Readahead Thread Pool

Set automatically to: 8 threads

Maximum Pending Write Request Size

Set automatically to: 500 MB

Maximum Pending Readahead Request Size

Set automatically to: 25 MB

Any recommendations?

i don’t have this file…

Do you have the required wms-transport-security.jar (the latest for version 4.x) file in your lib/ folder? If so, please restart Wowza and do the test once more. Then zip up your conf/, logs/, and lib/ folder for further review.