I’m running wowza streaming engine 4.1.0, and having some trouble with stream recordings. I’m using node.js from an external server to make HTTP requests to my wowza server.
I can successfully start a recording with a digest GET request:
var qs = QueryString.stringify({
app : 'live',
streamname : stream,
action : 'startRecording',
// segmentDuration : 30 //time in seconds
console.log("got querystring: " + qs);
var options = {
host : "wowza.myserver.com",
port : 8086,
method : "GET",
path : "/livestreamrecord?"+qs
Digest.request( options, function ( res){
console.log("got start record response");
console.log("headers: ", res.headers);
console.log("statusCode is: ", res.statusCode);
console.log("statusMessage is: ", res.statusMessage);
I get the output
got querystring: app=live&streamname=befbf601688edf8a37f14604e93d5cb8&action=startRecording
CJR making disgest request
CJR got response headers: { Authorization: 'Digest username="*****",realm="Wowza Media Systems",nonce="812a5ee5055dc9d72016a86b955474f7",uri="/livestreamrecord?app=live&streamname=befbf601688edf8a37f14604e93d5cb8&action=startRecording",qop="auth",response="951869cc72fb65f974222cf07b8b9f53",opaque="undefined",nc="00000003",cnonce="ee1a576d"' }
CJR making real request
got start record response
headers: { location: '/livestreamrecord/index.html',
'content-type': 'text/html',
connection: 'Keep-Alive',
server: 'WowzaStreamingEngine/4.1.0',
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-length': '0' }
statusCode is: 302
statusMessage is: Found
The stop API just replaces startRecording with stopRecording and produces the output
stopping record stream: befbf601688edf8a37f14604e93d5cb8
got querystring: app=live&streamname=befbf601688edf8a37f14604e93d5cb8&action=stopRecording
CJR making disgest request
CJR got response headers: { Authorization: 'Digest username="*****",realm="Wowza Media Systems",nonce="8c3bd2cb3fe52b1f14657a602d1fa5b9",uri="/livestreamrecord?app=live&streamname=befbf601688edf8a37f14604e93d5cb8&action=stopRecording",qop="auth",response="c9fb7d01a147052d365f69dfcfc08d08",opaque="undefined",nc="00000004",cnonce="353c2797"' }
CJR making real request
got stop record response
headers: { 'www-authenticate': 'Digest realm="Wowza Media Systems", nonce="ce8251f556a4859b0226363d1de5e34c", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth"',
'content-type': 'text/html',
connection: 'Keep-Alive',
server: 'WowzaStreamingEngine/4.1.0',
'cache-control': 'no-cache',
'content-length': '0' }
statusCode is: 401
statusMessage is: Unauthorized
As such, the file isn’t saved until the live stream is shut down, and I’m left with orphaned recording sessions that are waiting for streams on the livestreamrecord/index.html page.
UPDATE: I was able to succesfully start and stop a recording session using my brower with the following API, so I know that my server configured correctly
http://[username]:[password]@[wowza-ip-address]:8086/livestreamrecord?app=live&streamname=myStream&action=startRecording OR action=stopRecording
Based on this behavior, I would expect the api to return a 302 redirect upon a successful call, but I’m still seeing a 401 unauthorized from my node.js server.
UPDATE2: I must have been formulating my “stop” function incorrectly. I did a copy/paste of the start recording function and replaced start with stop and not everything is working, however it’s extremely slow. It takes about 8 seconds to get a response from my wowza server, instead of ~150mS when I make the request from a browser.