is there a possibility to start and stop a mediacasterstream per URL?
I know, i can start and stop mediacasterstreams with the streammanager and with StartupStreams.xml. But i need a possibility to start with a url, like start and stop recording a live stream per url.
Steam manager uses a url format, if you hover over the links with the mouse you should be able to see what the url that is being sent.
Just type that into your web browser or copy link address and paste.
You could also save the link addresses into a text document for reference.
I am not sure about the long-range for StreamManager. How are you leveraging StreamManager on port 8086 programatically?
I would continue to use these, I don’t see StreamManager going anywhere, but you could easily replace this functionality. Take a look at this HTTPProvider that shows how to use POST or GET with HTTPProviders, and happens to show staring of a MediaCaster stream, though it uses a deprecated method (article update soon), but you can fold-in the recommended method which is shown here.
Looking through the http://localhost:8086/streammanager/ I opened view page source, Starting a stream in an application called live with the content being mystream.stream
The closest I got to figuring it out was this url:
but needs some work, I hope this is a good start for you.
Well that’s good news thank you for letting us know I’m glad we could help with this issue.
This is the url of the stream manager http://localhost:8086/streammanager/.
And I can surly start receiving stream with click on “start receiving stream”. Bit when I hover over it, there is no URL I can copy.
Thanks for answer. I found out this url-formats, which works fine:
Start Stream:
Stop Stream:
It is similar to your given your url. But your Url don’t work for me.
A followup to the Wowza Support.
We are in a kind of similar use case now, this time using the contemporary Streaming Engine 4.0: we would like to programmatically control connecting/disconnecting to/from the stream files, but avoid implementing our own HTTPProvider plugin. Can we still rely on the future existence of the service on port 8086?
Best regards,
We are going to use GET requests on URLs similar to these:
plus of course we will have to handle http authentication.
But maybe Wowza is in fact blessing the use of such URLs for that purpose same way it officially supports “Recording live streams using URL queries” (https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-record-live-streams-httplivestreamrecord):
Sure, if it happened that the new EngineManager running on port 8088 was capable of digesting such URLs I’d love to use them. Engine manager is likely to live much longer.
Best regards,