We need SSL certificate for Wowza server to enable https for the web server. There is one specific situation about the certificate for Wowza. It does not support automatic Domain Validation procedure, because it is not possible to put a file for the seller on to the server to verify the ownership of the domain. Is there some good way (like ability to actually purchase one) to make use of a website certificate for Wowza? (excluding the Wowza account option).
I think one great option would be support for LetsEncrypt certificates directly by Wowza Engine.
Thanks for contacting Wowza Forums!
On SSL, here are some helpful articles. Can you review and see which one works best for you needs? Security Options
Here is a link to requesting a cert from a company: How to Requests a SSL Cert
Hope this helps. If any further questions, feel free to contact us.
Comodo provide the most cost-effective SSL Certificate. It offers easy authentication process with 56-bit encryption to protect users data. Comodo Certificate Auto-installer is an easy-to-use utility which simplifies the often complex process of obtaining and installing an SSL certificate on IIS / Apache web-servers. Check here: https://help.comodo.com/topic-360-1-722-8691-Overview-and-Tutorial.html