How can I tell Wowza that a particular multicast camera can be accessed only on a particular network card - we have 5 connections on our server, of which 3 are multicast, however, Wowza is bound to one that isn’t multicast enabled, so when I try to start the stream it usually fails. The only workaround so far has been to disable the interfaces that are non-multicast, then use stream manager to connect to the multicast source, then re-enable the main card to allow outgoing traffic. This is a hack, and short of having our network folks reconfigure something they aren’t comfortable with, there may be some sort of routing command or paramter for the live application or file that directs Wowza to the proper interface - hoping I am not the first one to run into that.
Ps - this is on Windows 2008 R2 server
In the first /VHost.xml /HostPort, the one with /Port “1935”, try replacing the “*” in /IpAddress with IP of network card. Then restart Wowza
Here is how
That entry is the IP address of the 10 gig card, which cannot receive the multicast. I tried adding one of the IPs that can, but that didn’t help either. Wowza still tried to connect on the inerface without multicast. Could it work if I put that second ip block first in the vhost file?
Not working, trying to join multicast with 10G card enabled:
C:\Users\burke-ou>netsh interface ipv4 show joins
Interface 20: Broadcom 4
Scope References Last Address
---------- ---------- ---- ---------------------------------
0 0 No
Interface 21: Broadcom 1
Scope References Last Address
---------- ---------- ---- ---------------------------------
0 0 No
Interface 22: Broadcom 2
Scope References Last Address
---------- ---------- ---- ---------------------------------
0 0 No
Interface 28: Intel 10G 1
Scope References Last Address
---------- ---------- ---- ---------------------------------
0 0 Yes
0 1 Yes
Interface 25: Broadcom 3
Scope References Last Address
---------- ---------- ---- ---------------------------------
0 0 Yes
Working, join multicast with 10G card disabled at time of join.
C:\Users\burke-ou>netsh interface ipv4 show joins
Interface 20: Broadcom 4
Scope References Last Address
---------- ---------- ---- ---------------------------------
0 0 No
Interface 21: Broadcom 1
Scope References Last Address
---------- ---------- ---- ---------------------------------
0 0 No
0 1 Yes
Interface 22: Broadcom 2
Scope References Last Address
---------- ---------- ---- ---------------------------------
0 0 No
Interface 25: Broadcom 3
Scope References Last Address
---------- ---------- ---- ---------------------------------
0 0 Yes
This also affects VLC - the moment we disable the 10 gig card, it will play the mulitcast. Once joined we re-enabled the 10G card and everything works fine in Wowza with traffic going out via the 10G interface.
Here is what we see in the console when it is not working:
INFO stream create - -
INFO stream publish -
INFO server comment - MulticastTransport.bind[memorial/_definst_]:
INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[1678698879:memorial/]: done: 1444
INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.streamTimeout[1678698879:memorial/]: timeout:12000 diff:12001 reason:101
INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.resetConnection[1678698879:memorial/]:
INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.closeRTPSession[1678698879:memorial/]
INFO server comment - MulticastTransport.unbind[memorial/_definst_]: sent:0 recv:0
INFO stream unpublish -
INFO stream destroy -
INFO server comment - RTPMediaCaster.Reconnector[1678698879:memorial/]: start: 1445
INFO server comment -
INFO server comment - RTPSessionDescriptionDataProviderBasic.getStreamInfo[memorial/_definst_]: URI: udp://
sweet - why on earth did google not bring this up???
works like a charm. Now I need to see how that works with more than one webcam.
do I need to worry about this entry the old article does not mention?
I left it where it is for now and it seems to work fine.