Sonifex PS-SEND + Wowza

Anyone having experience on Sonifex PS-SEND audio encoder and Wowza integration?

In theory it supports the following transport mechanisms:

RTP - UDP, HTTP - TCP, Raw UDP, Raw TCP, can also act as Icecast/Shoutcast source

I would be grateful if one could write about own experience. Thanks.


Are you having problems getting the stream to work though a Wowza application?

If so, can you post the steps you have taken so far and I’m sure someone will help you with any corrections that need to be made in order to make this more successful.


In step 3 you started the udp url in StreamManager, which can work, but then you just use that as the stream name, which works in our example player but maybe not in Flowplayer. You want to start “” in StreamManager, it which should be a text file in the content folder that contains the UDP url. Use MediaCaster type “rtp”. Then use “” as the stream name in Flowplayer


Yes, finally I have the device. It is capable of RTP/UDP and raw UTP streaming (among others). I successfully configured HTTP/shoutcast streaming, which I describe later. I was not successful configuring and UDP based push-to-server solution. I would need some help on this.

  1. Sonifex PS-SEND: I configured the device to push UDP/RTP towards my Wowza using port 41234. I can see the packets arriving at my Wowza server (tcpdump). The media used is MP3/stereo/44.1KHz.

  2. I configured Wowza with a “live” type of application, I followed this one until section “Publish the stream”:

  1. I have an file with the following URL: udp:// I use Stream manager to start the stream, it says: OK.

  2. I use a Flowplayer to connect to my Wowza application and I request my file to open. Flowplayer gives no error, but continously buffering, it never stops nor does anything.

I can see no errors - even in DEBUG logging mode -, only this is written to access log:

INFO stream destroy 2012-06-07 18:28:38 2054955658 - 3810 11416 623.873 1 - 0 0 – -

INFO session disconnect 2012-06-07 18:28:38 2054955658 - 3810 11416 623.9 - - - - - – 2054955658 -

INFO session connect-pending 2012-06-07 18:28:39 1723722923 - 3449 3073 0.0040 - - - - - – -

INFO session connect 2012-06-07 18:28:39 1723722923 - 3449 3073 0.0050 - - - - - - - -

INFO stream create 2012-06-07 18:28:39 1723722923 - 3521 3413 0.0 - 1 0 0 0 - – -

Let me know please what to do next. I have no idea about debuggin further. Thanks!

Richard, thanks for your answer. Yes, is a file with the udp:// URL. With StreamManager I did exactly, whay you write above: I chose rtp source and entered It just does not work.

I have several other encoders (Haivision encoders, IP camera) running with Wowza with the same concept. Other thing is causing this problem. I would be grateful if you could point out how to step forward with this.

As mentioned I could get Sonifex PS-SEND working with Wowza using HTTP. In this case, Wowza will connect to the Sonifex’s IP address directly and start pulling audio. I use these settings:

  1. Sonifex PS-SEND:

Firmware version used: V1.021

Under “Basic Settings”:


Encoding: MP3

Sample rate: 44.1KHz

Channel mode: stereo


Streaming mode: send always (recommended)

Connection type: HTTP

Under “Advanced Settings/Streaming”:

Radio path: /pssend (this is a default value, remeber it when configuring Wowza)

  1. Wowza:

Follow the Shoutcast re-stream example to create a live streaming application:

Under “Publishing the stream” section, a file is explained. Add Sonifex IP and radio path here:


  1. Experience:

The streaming will be quite stable, will have 4-5 seconds of delay. It is good idea to add your file to StartupStreams.xml, so when Wowza is restarted it reconnects again to your Sonifex PS-SEND. When this latter is rebooted or reconnected to the network the stream will automatically start.