Hi, I’m planning make a server webrtc with wowza and my project have the possibility reach more or less 1000 users using low latency. How config server I need (without use transcoder)? How much link I need (the bitrate more or less 1Mbit)?
Having 1000 users with a WebRTC workflow will be outside of our recommendations @Lucas Valentim. You would need to transcode the WebRTC stream for playback at a larger scale.
Then you can deliver the stream over Apple HLS, Adobe HDS, or MPEG-DASH, which enables you to scale your WebRTC solution without the significant bandwidth that would otherwise be required to deliver your streams to viewers with satisfactory quality.
You can read more here:
Whats the recommendation?
My project is for a app android for video conference using webrtc, so probably I’ll be a lot connections for video conference.
Whats the config server it’s recommended in this case?
WebRTC is designed for browser to browser communication. We do not support sending in a live feed from an encoder and distributing it via WebRTC.
In addition if you decide to make an application to support WebRTC we may not be able to provide support for it as it is not a browser.
We recommend using no more and 750 WebRTC connections per server.
I see. For 750 WebRTC whats the server config?
For anyone viewing this post, Wowza does now offer a Real-time Streaming at Scale option using WebRTC and Streaming Cloud. You would have access to an HLS URL in addition to WebRTC.
The WebRTC option is Engine is strong, but does not scale well beyond 300 connections.