Server not found message although livestream is being published and available

Dear Wowza team,

I have got a similiar behavior as already mentioned in the thread

We use FMLE 3.2 to publish a livestream to a Wowza server. Our Wowza server is up-to-date with version 3.1.2 and performance-optimized with Java SDK server setup, but the issue already occured with Wowza server v2.2.4.

The stream can be accessed on a website with a JW Player in version 5.10 which plays the livstream via rtmp (rtmpt is enabled as well, I have in mind that the JW player tries both protocols).

Normally, the stream can be accessed from page visitors on the website without any problems. After loading the webpage, the player establishes a connection to the Wowza server and the livestream is played within one or two seconds.

However, we have received some reports where the JW player cannot establish a connection to the livestream although the livestream is published to the Wowza server without any interruptions. We can also screen out network congestion on server or client side. Instead, the JW player displays an error message to the user stating "server not found: rtmpt:[serverurl]:80/[applicationname]

The [serverurl] can be pinged and if the user reloads the page one or two times, a connection can be established successfully.

Unfortunately, the client user cannot give me any other hint nor can I precisely identify the client in the wowza log files.

Did you already have reports on such a strange issue? Can you at least give me an assumption if it is likely to be an issue on server side (Wowza), client side (JW) or network?

Maybe it is also a misconfiguration because I would have expected the streamname at the end of the error string, but it actually works after a page refresh. Or do i have to somehow add a port configuration for rtmpt in the Server.xml/VHost.xml (http:80 is not under the responsibility of the Wowza service, but configured for IIS/Apache services).

I must find a solution because this issue is currently a big deal in my company .(

Thanks for your advice.


You should be able to find some corresponding logging messages in the access and error log. It could be a typo in the url. If there is no corresponding message then it is probably a network problem between the client and Wowza.
