I want to send wowza access log to a remote server.
Somebody know how can I config log4j or other tool for send logs via udp to a remote server? In this case, can give me an example of config?
Regards and thanks in advance.
I want to send wowza access log to a remote server.
Somebody know how can I config log4j or other tool for send logs via udp to a remote server? In this case, can give me an example of config?
Regards and thanks in advance.
You can use all standard log4j appenders and also non-standard ones if you add them to your classpath (defaut: <WOWZA_DIR>/lib).
The one you are looking for can be “org.apache.log4j.net.UDPAppender” configured like this (in conf/log4j.properties)
log4j.appender.A3=org.apache.log4j.net.UDPAppenderlog4j.appender.A3.remoteHost= %d{ISO8601} [%t] - %m%n
First, thanks for your reply.
You mean that I can use apache appender for send the wowza access log to a remote server, right?