Scheduling in MPEG-DASH

Hello Wowza folks,

I have set up a test player to work with Scheduling and Wowza:

I have followed with the Server Listener approach.

I am able to play videos fine in HDS and HLS but MPEG-DASH seems to be an issue: unexpected loop or seek, video error detected or black screen probably caused by bad fragments.

I test MPEG-DASH in latest Chrome or IE 11 Windows 8.1 with HTML5 video. You can test the above URL in Chrome or IE11 for the MPEG-DASH rendition (check console for logs). You can test in Firefox for example to see that Flash HDS works ok.

Is MPEG-DASH suppored for schedule streaming with Wowza Streaming Engine? Has anyone done it right for MPEG-DASH yet?



Using the MPEG-DASH player in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager I was able to get this working without issue.

I’m using the Google Chrome browser Version 41.0.2272.76 m.



Hi Jason,

Thanks for your reply. I am also testing in Chrome 41. I am testing the feed which is basically 3 on demand video looping in a schedule. On video switch, I can still see the MPEG-DASH feed stuttering or causing black screen. I have tested the feed in your Wowza Streaming Engine Manager test player and the player and I could reproduce the issue. I am wondering if it has something to do with the H264 videos being encoded at different levels. Anyway I will focus on HDS for the time being as I know it works for my purpose.
