Hello Wowza folks,
I have set up a test player to work with Scheduling and Wowza: http://www.radiantmedialyzer.net/test/schedule-demo.html
I have followed https://www.wowza.com/docs/how-to-schedule-streaming-with-wowza-streaming-engine-streampublisher with the Server Listener approach.
I am able to play videos fine in HDS and HLS but MPEG-DASH seems to be an issue: unexpected loop or seek, video error detected or black screen probably caused by bad fragments.
I test MPEG-DASH in latest Chrome or IE 11 Windows 8.1 with HTML5 video. You can test the above URL in Chrome or IE11 for the MPEG-DASH rendition (check console for logs). You can test in Firefox for example to see that Flash HDS works ok.
Is MPEG-DASH suppored for schedule streaming with Wowza Streaming Engine? Has anyone done it right for MPEG-DASH yet?